Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Shoes 5 and 6: Aminaka Wilmont - London Fashion Week

Wooden heels? Check.
Ribbon? Check.
Being able to walk outdoors? Ummm....
Designer Aminaka Wilmont has taken the high heel and turned it into a torture devise, a means of making women walk around on their tip-toes - permanently - or so long as there wearing what only passes for a shoe because it is somehow attached to the foot (enter the ribbon).
What ever happened to shoes being meant for protection from the basic elements - frost, rain, sharp little rocks?
Not only are women wearing these heels in permanent point position, but the protective casing that shoes are meant to provide is somehow nonexistent.
The bare foot is held at an excruciating angle by a shaped and hopefully smooth, wooden spike and the women are forced to walk along the runway with the grace of a model...
Hopefully Ms. Wilmont is simply making a statement about the contortions that woman's feet go through when wearing a particularly high pair of stilettos because if that were the case she would be making a very strong artistic statement - look at what's going on inside the shoe or, perhaps more importantly, look at what, at who, is wearing the shoe.
However if it's not the case she is simply advocating pain for attention, attention for her shoes and the woman desperate enough to purchase them.
What do you think? Are these shoes an artistic statement or a step back towards foot binding?

Shoe Information:
Designer - Aminaka Wilmont


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